Recent Speaking Engagements By Grossman LLP Lawyers
This fall, the firm’s attorneys have been featured speakers at multiple events exploring cutting-edge issues in art law.
In September, Judd Grossman was featured in two panel discussions at the Professionals Forum at EXPO CHICAGO, Chicago’s annual international contemporary and modern art exhibition. Mr. Grossman highlighted case studies involving fakes, forgeries, and consignment fraud, including the massive fraud perpetrated by Manhattan art-dealer Ezra Chowaiki, where the firm is representing more than seven of Chowaiki’s victims. He also spoke about stolen art, focusing in part on the firm’s work on cases involving stolen Jasper Johns artworks.
In mid-October, Mr. Grossman traveled to Rome to speak at the International Bar Association’s Annual Conference, where he was invited to serve on a panel exploring issues surrounding stolen and confiscated art and cultural artifacts, and his remarks focused on the intersection of civil and criminal law in the context of art theft.
In late October, Mr. Grossman co-chaired the New York County Lawyers Association’s tenth annual Art Litigation & Dispute Resolution Practice Institute. He surveyed important developments in art law during the past year, covering topics including forgeries, copyright and tax issues, and contract disputes.
And in late November, Mr. Grossman and Grossman LLP associate Kate Lucas were invited to speak at Columbia Business School, in connection with a course focused on Finance and the Art Markets. Their discussion centered on title and authenticity issues, the role of art dealers and intermediaries, and other considerations relevant to art investment.
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